Student Announce March 6, 2025

Science and Technology Fair - Friday March 7th

On Friday, March 7th, the annual Science and Technology Fair will take place in the Student Leadership Center Small Events Space from 9:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  

The Science and Technology Fair is open to regional elementary, junior high, and senior high school students. The fair allows students to display their love for science and to be rewarded for the time and energy that they put into their projects. We are expecting around 12 student projects, some examples include "Rainbow Slime", "How Does Smell Affect Taste", "Homemade Rocket Fuel", and "Bioluminescence in Dinoflagellates". The fair is open for public viewing from 9:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., please stop by! 

The Science and Technology Fair is made possible with funding provided by ACES, Alfred State Science Society, the Physical and Life Sciences Department, and the President's Office. For more information, please contact Kathy Price at 3672 or

- Isaac Klingensmith

Student Leadership Center and Pioneer Center Building Hours for Spring Break.

Below are the building hours for the Student Leadership Center and the Pioneer Center during Spring Break. 

Student Leadership Center:

Saturday, March 8 – Saturday, March 15: 6:30am-7pm

Sunday, March 16: 6:30am- 10pm

Monday, March 17: Resume to normal hours: 

  • Monday-Thursday: 6:30am-11pm
  • Friday-Sunday: 6:30am-12am


Pioneer Center:

Saturday, March 8 – Saturday, March 15: 7am-6pm

Sunday, March 16: 8am- 10pm

Monday, March 17: Resume to normal hours: 

  • Monday-Sunday: 8am-11pm
- Katelyn James

SkillsUSA Region 1 Conference a success! Thank you to all that helped!

The 36th annual Skills USA Region I Conference went off without a hitch Tuesday thanks to the efforts of so many in the Alfred State family. The weather cooperated nicely, and over 750 competitive high school students and their advisers left with good memories as they head to the state competitions in Syracuse next month. Many of our students participated as contest judges, guides, and general support. Our staff and faculty had a direct hand in the 48 competitions on both campuses. The Orvis gym was packed with excited contestants at the Awards Ceremony at the end of the day. A sincere thank you is extended to you from all in the Skills USA organization.

- Jennifer Graves

First-Year Prom | An Evening in Paris | RSVP!

Celebrate the end of your first year at Alfred State College with your peers at our second annual First-Year Prom! A team of first-year students have been working hard to put this together for their class and are excited to announce that the theme is: An Evening in Paris. Enjoy the evening "under the Eiffel Tower" in the MacKenzie Commons from 8:30PM-1AM. There will be a DJ, decor, dancing, hors d'ourves, and more! 

  • This is for first-year students & one guest per student is allowed (the guest can be an upperclassman). 
  • Non-ASC students are allowed as a guest, but must fill out the guest form on eRezLife.
  • If you need assistance with finding proper attire, please contact our Director of Student Engagement at
  • Ticket cost is $10 for a single guest and $15 for a couple. We accept cash or you can stop by the campus store to use CSA.
  •  In order to attend, you must RSVP on Pioneer Link

The committee will have informational tables where you can pay/ask questions in the SLC park space on the following dates. If you have any questions, please email our Assistant Director of First-Year Engagement at

  • March 18 | 3-5 p.m. 
  • March 19 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • March 26 | 11 a.m - 1 p.m.
  • March 28 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • March 31 | 3-5 p.m. 
  • April 2 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • April 4 | 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Calsey Bump

commUNITY Potluck Series returns – help us celebrate home, heritage, community and culture through food!

Make a dish to share a taste of “home” and help enhance our culture of care in Alfred. The Center for Civic Leadership is partnering with Union University to revive a commUNITY potluck initiative.  This secular event welcomes all as we build commUNITY by engaging in conversation and sharing foods that evoke a feeling of home! 

  • Location: Union University Center (located on the corner of Main street and Church Street - side entrance on Church St.)
  • Time: 6pm-8pm
  • Dates: Wednesday, February 12th / Wednesday, March 19th / Wednesday, April 16th  
  • Sign up to Make and RSVP Here – Separate RSVP requested by Sunday before for each date so we can better prepare but it is not required. So even if you want to pop down to join us last minute to help foster community, you are welcome. 

“Tasters Choice” awards will be given at each event for the favorite dishes at each potluck.

Help us further celebrate sustainability and bring your own plate and cutlery 

- Cyan Corwine

Village Elections March 18th - Meet the candidates!

Village Elections will be held on March 18th at the Alfred Village Hall! Please note that you must be registered to vote in the Alfred area by March 7th to vote in this election.  Not sure if you are registered or want to get registered? check our Alfred States Voter Registration portal, check your registration status,  and/or reach out to the Center for Civic Leadership

Whether you can vote in this election or not, each candidate took time to meet with our dedicated student leader, Adel Hashimov, who serves as a Civic Engagement Advocate. The goal was to help build connections and foster deeper awareness of the efforts taking place in our village government and those who serve. Adel has transcribed the verbal interviews and consolidated parts of those conversations (linked here) so those who are interested can read a bit more about the motivating factors and engaged aspects of each of these dedicated community members. 

The Center for Civic Leadership would like to thank all of the candidates for being generous with their time and Adel Hashimov for spearheading the interview process.

On the ballot:

  • Village Mayor
    • Jim Ninos (current mayor up for re-election)
  • Village Justice 
    • This is the only contested seat on the ballot in our village and there is an opportunity to hear both candidates speak March 6th from 11:15-12PM in the Alumni Lounge at Alfred University Powel Campus Center 
      • Wende Bush (current justice up for re-election)
      • Amanda Khodorkovskaya (candidate for justice)
  • 2 Village Trustees 
    • Tim Nichols (current trustee up for re-election)
    • Peter McClain (current trustee up for re-election)



- Cyan Corwine

Parking for Spring Break - University Police

If you are planning to leave your vehicle on campus during Spring Break please park the vehicle in parking lot 20. Parking lot 20 is the top tier near the Pioneer Stadium.

- Jaime Dennis-Howe

Health & Wellness Services March 2025 Newsletter!

Take a look through Health & Wellness' monthly newsletter to gain some valuable insight!



- Mallory Winant



Honors Convocation will be held Sunday, May 4, 2025, at 4:00pm in the Orvis Activities Center Gym.  Please mark your calendars now!

Questions can be directed to Lois Curran (3621) and Tiffany Donovan (4010), co-chairs of the Honors Convocation Committee

- Tiffany Donovan

Student Commencement Speaker Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for Student Commencement Speakers.

Students, faculty, staff, or administrators may nominate candidates. The nominees must be graduating students who feel comfortable speaking to an audience and are representative of the graduating class within their school (SAS, SAMET). We plan to feature brief (3 minute) speeches by one student from each school. Students interested in representing SAT and Northland should contact their instructors to express interest.

The nomination form can be found here: 

The priority deadline for nominations is Wednesday, March 12. Please direct any questions to   

- Nicholas Stefanski

Job Opportunity: Alfred Montessori Director

The Alfred Montessori School Board of Directors is looking to hire a new Director to start as soon as possible. Please spread the word--the linked job description--to anyone you know who might be interested in applying for this role. 

If you have any questions about the position, you can reach out to Chloe Hansen ( 

Thank you,
Alfred Montessori Board of Directors


- Nicholas Stefanski

Grant Money Available for your Spring Bill

Alfred State College has been awarded funding through NYS for the Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) grant for the 2024-2025 academic year.  Students may be eligible to receive up to $1,000 for the Spring semester. 

Part-time students may obtain an application online at or by emailing  

Students who received APTS funding for the Fall 2024 semester DO NOT need to submit another application for spring 2025.

Eligibility criteria include:

Matriculated student consistently enrolled between three (3) and eleven (11) credit hours per semester.

Enrolled in at least one full term course this semester.

New York State resident

Completed 2024-2025 FAFSA application

Meet satisfactory academic progress

Not receiving TAP or Part-Time TAP this semester

Applicants are required to submit a signed 2022 New York State Income Tax return for student (or parent if applicable) along with the signed APTS application.  Applications will not be reviewed until all documentation has been submitted and signed.

Forward the completed application and required tax forms to  The deadline for the Spring 2025 semester is Friday, April 11, 2025.

Submission of an APTS application does not guarantee receipt of an award.  Students who are not eligible will receive an email through their Alfred State email account indicating the reason for ineligibility.

- Amy Evingham

Spring Break Closing Information

Residence halls will close at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025, for the Spring Break. The Residence halls will reopen at Noon on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Residential Services is aware that the final bus scheduled to leave Alfred leaves before 10:00 p.m. If you are here for an academic reason and cannot make travel arrangements for the evening of Friday, March 8, please respond to this email if you have not already reached out to remain on campus that night. However, you must plan travel arrangements for the morning of Saturday, March 9. 

Only students who have been approved to stay for the break will be allowed in the residence halls.

All others may be charged with trespassing.

Students will only be approved who:

  • Live over 500 miles away (according to your home Banner Address)
  • Have a Special Circumstance (ex. You do not have a place to go)
  • Working for the college during the break (with Supervisors Approval)
  • Athletics commitment during the break (must be on roster submitted from Athletics)

If you wish to apply to stay for the break, please complete the "Break Housing Request" form on eRezLife. To access this form, please sign in to, select "housing," and then select the "Break Housing Request" form.

Please note, that this form will close on Monday, March 3rd. 

- Mary Chamberlain

Notary Public Training

How to Take and Pass the New York State Notary Examination Training

Date/Time: March 14, 2025, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Location: PHS 107
Cost: $125 includes required course textbook (book will be provided at training)

This practical seminar helps prepare participants to successfully pass the NYS official notary examination. Four sample examinations and answer keys are provided to every participant as a self-study aid for review after the seminar. Attendance at this seminar is a MUST for every state notary examinee to properly prepare for the duties, authority and responsibility of holding a NYS notary commission.

Trainer: Alfred E. Piombino is the leading New York and national notary law and practice expert. He has personally prepared tens of thousands of people from across New York to pass the official examination. Piombino is the author of nine books, including Notary Public Handbook: A Guide for New York, Fourth Edition, court expert witness and is listed in Who's Who in American Law.

Registration Link:


Contact with questions!

- Kimberly Schmitt

Interfaith Space Revitalization

Residential Services and the Cultural Life Center are diligently working on revitalizing the Interfaith Space located in Braddon Hall. Please excuse our mess while we work to make this a better space suitable for our students needs. Our project is anticipated to be completed by March 14. 

- Erika Winans

Group Process Housing Sign Ups

Each Spring semester, the Office of College Housing begins the start of housing sign ups for the following academic year, beginning with the group process. 

Application open March 3 through March 7

March  - Group Leader will be notified of the decision via email

If placed through the group process

  1. All members of the group need to complete their housing application (please see Housing Application - Opens March 1 for further instructions)
  2. Select one student to represent your group
  3. Log into your
  4. Select the “Housing” icon
  5. Under “Forms” locate and select the “Group Housing Sign-up” form
  6. Complete the form, once done select “Submit for Review”

Group Housing Process and Information

Our group process allows a group to sign up for a MacKenzie Rowhouse, MacKenzie Commons Apartment, Townhouse, MacKenzie Rowhouse, or Main Gate Suite for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Group sizes can range from 1 - 12 people.

Groups can be COED (male/female/non-binary persons) living together. Those that wish to live in a COED area will need to agree to live in a COED area later in the form.

Areas that are single rooms: MacKenzie Commons Apartments and Townhouses. All other areas are double occupancy rooms.

If your group does not fill the space in which they are placed, another group may be added to fill the remaining space. The combined groups will be based on the group criteria (i.e. single gender or COED).

The Office of College Housing cannot guarantee that all groups will be placed, it all depends on the applicant pool and available space.

Groups that are placed through our group process do not need to sign up for rooms during individual sign-ups.

Those that leave the group placements are not guaranteed to be placed back into the previous placement.

Groups are scored and placed based on a matrix of the following information:

  • Years in residence
  • GPA
  • Accrued credit hours
  • Judicial history (negative score)

If you have any questions, please contact Residential Services at 607-587-4371 or email:

- Mary Chamberlain