Student Announce January 27, 2025

FREE EVENT! Hot Apple Pie & Vanilla Ice Cream!

Join us at the first floor dining area of the Student Gathering Place (CDH) on Tuesday, January 28th from 6pm - 8pm for free Hot Apple Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream! 

-Compliments of your friends at ACES Food Court

- Amy Keyes

Fitness Classes Are Back!

Come out to the Studio in Pioneer Center and enjoy fitness classes hosted by certified instructors! All classes are free, and equipment is provided. Please bring a clean pair of shoes to change into to protect the Studio floor from the winter weather! For questions, please contact Brooke Scianna at We hope to see you there! 

Mondays 5-6pm 

Boxing with Colleen Wahl 

*Classes start on 1/27/25*

Tuesdays 5-6pm 

Line Dancing with Nancy Furlong 

*Classes start on 1/21/25* 

Wednesdays 5-6pm 

REV+FLOW with Lynn Hayes 

*Classes start on 1/22/25*

Thursdays 5-6pm 

Zumba with Meghan Smith 

*Classes start on 1/30/25*


- Brooke Scianna

The Oasis is officially open for Spring 2025!

Spring 2025 Hours:

Sunday 9:00am - 8:00pm

Monday 8:00am - 8:00pm

Tuesday 8:00am - 1:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm

Friday 12:00pm - 9:00pm

Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm; 3:00pm - 8:00pm

Come get your Relax on!

- Mallory Winant

Intramural Sign-Ups

Sign up for Intramurals all this week in the Student Leadership Center from 10am-6pm on the third floor. Can't make it to the SLC? Sign up on using your school account. All communication for Intramurals will go through IMLeagues. We will be offering soccer, volleyball, and basketball! 

- Brooke Scianna

Open Room Changes

At the beginning of each semester and space permitting, we offer Open Room Changes.  This is a chance to move either in the building or out of the building regardless of the situation.  Please see the following information below in regards to the process.

Open Room Changes - Wednesday, January 22nd- Wednesday, January 29th

This provides students the option to move to any open bed on campus. Please follow the steps below if you are interested in changing your room. We will be allowing room buyouts in all residence halls with the exception of Main Gate A and Main Gate B.

Internal Building Move Requests (I want to move somewhere else in my building/ buyout my room or space in the building) - Wednesday, January 22nd- Friday, January 24th

  • See your RD during their office hours.  If none of the posted times work, please email them with times you are available to get something scheduled.

External Building Move Requests (I want to move to a different building/ buy out a room in another building) - Monday, January 27th- Wednesday, January 29th 

  • See Residential Services in the Townhouse Commons between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. with Erika Winans or Mary Chamberlain
  • After Hours availability in the Townhouses Monday and Tuesday nights from 4:30pm until 6pm

Pending on the move, there may be an increase or decrease in the cost of housing. Students are encouraged to review the Room Rates prior to completing any move. Information on room rates can be found on our Housing Costs page.

This process must be completed within 24 hours of starting the room change. 

During Open Room Changes, RDs will also be consolidating rooms and/or suites depending on the vacancies that are present. Students may be required to move from their room or accept a new roommate depending on the RDs plan for the building. More information on room consolidations can be found on our Room Selection page.

All moves must be completed by 10 p.m. on Sunday, February 2nd

Please contact Residential Service at 607-587-4371 or if you have any questions.

[[Insert office hours]]- include locations if you switch buildings

- Mary Chamberlain

Apply to be an RA!

The Office of Residential Services is now taking applications for the Resident Assistant position for Fall 2025.

RA's get leadership development, mentorship with professionals, soft skill development and a resume builder, opportunities to advance into paid positions, and getting their room paid for!

To qualify for the RA position, candidates must have a minimum 2.25 GPA (Semester & Cumulative) and no current student conduct status.

Use the following link to apply:

The application will close on February 21st at 4:30pm. Initial Interviews will be conducted on February 26th & 27th. Should you be successful with the Initial Interview, you will be invited back for the Group Process Interview on March 5th.

If you have questions about the position or the hiring process, please contact Residence Director Justin Romero by email at

- Patrick DeFoe

'Starting the Semester Strong' Workshop - SSC

The Student Success Center will be hosting the Starting the Semester Strong Workshop on Wednesday, January 29th at 5pm in the Student Development Center, Room 109. This workshop will cover a Self-Management System, explaining the multiple layers we all must keep flowing smoothly to be our most productive selves. Including, asking for help when these flows are blocked by barriers. All are welcome and encouraged to join!

Find this workshop and future events on Pioneer Link!

View our Spring 2025 Workshop Schedule on the Student Success Webpage:

- Samantha Brockway

Relay For Life hosted by Live to Fight.

Join us as we bring back Relay for Life in partnership with the American Cancer Society, an organization dedicated to funding life-saving cancer research, supporting patients and caregivers, and promoting prevention and awareness initiatives.

📅 Date: April 5th – April 6th
🕕 Time: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM
📍 Location: Orvis Auditorium
10 Upper College Drive, Alfred, NY 14802

Sign Up Here: Relay for Life Registration
🎟️ Registration Fee: $15/person (all proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society)

This lock-in event is open to the entire Alfred community, surrounding communities, and Alfred State faculty, staff, and students. No entry or re-entry after 11:00 PM.

Our Goal: Raise $25,000!

What to Expect:
🎮 Games with prizes
🎟️ Basket raffles
🎭 Live performances
🌟 Memorial ceremony honoring those we’ve lost to cancer
🎵 Music throughout the event

🏅 Awards for:

  • Best Campsite
  • Most Enthusiastic
  • Most Money Donated
  • Most Money Raised (Team & Individual)
  • Best Costume
  • Best Campsite Activity

Teams are encouraged to plan activities at their campsites.

🍴 Food: Provided at intervals throughout the night. Attendees are welcome to bring their own snacks.

Other Items You Can Bring:

  • Blankets, pillows, air mattresses
  • Comfortable chairs (standard chairs will be provided).

Items Not Allowed:

  • Weapons of any kind
  • Alcohol or drugs

For More Information, Contact:
📩 President of Live to Fight: Tori Rech |
📩 Advisors: Tyler Ribble |
📩 Mary Chamberlain |

Help us celebrate survivors, honor loved ones, and take a stand against cancer. Together, we can make a difference!

- Tyler Ribble

Parking Information - University Police

We would like to encourage anyone parking a vehicle on the Alfred State Campus to review the Alfred State Parking Regulations in full at:

Key points to remember:

  1. Parking Pass Required: All vehicles parked at any campus locations must have a parking pass displayed (permanent or visitor) on the rearview mirror.
  2. Residential Students:
    • Cannot park in Faculty/Staff (F/S) lots.
    • Cannot park in Commuter (CR) lots, even if you drive to the Wellsville Campus or other locations every morning.
  3. Commuters:
    • CAN park in any Student parking lots as well as the designated Commuter Lots.
    • If attending night classes after 4:30 pm, you can park in F/S lots 6, 7, 10, 11, 28, and 29.
  4. Prohibited Parking:
    • No parking in fire lanes, dorm ramps, grass, sidewalks, Future Pioneer spots, visitor or accessible spaces.
  5. Closed Lots: Do not enter closed lots or parking spaces marked with cones or signs, even temporarily. Stay updated on parking lot closures via daily student announcements.
  6. Ticket Appeals: If you receive a ticket, you have 5 business days to appeal it in person at the University Police Department.
  7. Wheel Lock Policy: A vehicle with 3+ unpaid parking tickets may receive a wheel lock until all tickets are cleared.

As a courtesy to your fellow Pioneers, if you do not plan to use your vehicle daily, or at least every couple of days, please park your vehicle in one of the upper parking lots such as 18, 19, 20, 20a (near the stadium) or 31 (located behind Peet Hall). 







- Jaime Dennis-Howe