Student Announce September 12, 2024

Alfred's Got Talent Auditions

Do you have a hidden talent that you are ready to showcase?! 

We are so excited to announce that our annual talent show, Alfred's Got Talent, will be back for another year during Homecoming/Family Weekend and you can sign up for an audition now! The Talent Show will be on Saturday, October 19 in the Orvis Auditorium starting promptly at 7 p.m., however if performing, you must be there by 6 p.m. to allow for prep.

Want to know more about Alfred's Got Talent? Check out 2023's Talent Show here.

If you make it through auditions, you must be present at Alfred's Got Talent, as well as the Tech Rehearsals on Friday, October 18 in Orvis Auditorium. The time of the tech rehearsals is 4-7 p.m., you will only need to be present for your practice time slot, which will be assigned after auditions. 

Please select dates and times that you are available for an audition here. Auditions will be held in the Rockband Room, Pioneer Center. If you have any questions, please contact Calsey Bump at

- Calsey Bump

Student Parking Information/Commuter Lots - University Police

Please remember that parking lots 4, 9 & 13 are designated for Commuter Parking ONLY. Students who live on campus are not permitted to park in Commuter parking at any time (even if you travel to the Wellsville Campus). If your assigned hangtag is not a commuter tag, you will receive a parking violation for parking in the Commuter lots.  Vehicles have also been parking down the middle of parking lot #13, which has no designated (striped) parking spaces. Vehicles should not be parked outside of the striped spaces, as this is a violation of the parking regulations. Here is a link to the online interactive parking map if you have questions about where to park:!ce/5567?ct/27355,0,5567,5572,5573,5574,6683,52487?s/


- Jaime Dennis-Howe

Do you want to know the Key to Acing your Courses (and Life)?

Dear Pioneers,

All students who are admitted to college have the ability to ace their courses. However, most students did not acquire effective learning strategies in high school and resort to memorizing information just before tests. This strategy usually yields poor results, with students earning grades much lower than their ability. This interactive workshop will introduce students to cognitive science-based learning strategies that help students experience meaningful, transferable learning, resulting in A's in their courses!

Join Dr Saundra McGuire, Professor, and Director, Emerita, Louisiana State University, for a 1hour 30 minutes workshop designed to help you learn how to learn! Saundra McGuire has an extensive background in teaching and research. Her approach is rooted in her comprehensive understanding of how students learn and what motivates them. 

Save the date - Wednesday, September 18

Venue: SET 215 and TEAMs

Time: 5:00 to 6:30 pm 

Pre-registration will be much appreciated. Thank you! The TEAM meeting link will be emailed to registered participants. 

- Deepa Deshpande

ALERT: Emergency Drill -Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, at 10:10 a.m.

Alfred State will be conducting the drill to test its emergency procedures & systems on the Alfred and Wellsville Campuses 


During the drill – actively shelter in place at a location where you can:

  1. Lock or block the door
  2. Darken the room
  3. Silence cell phones
  4. Move to the safest wall (where you are out of sight) 
  5. Strategize and coordinate with persons with you about what to do if your door is entered by a threat.  Identify 2-4 “contact” persons who will volunteer to actively assist in getting the threat to the floor where they are unable to continue their actions.  


The sirens will be going off on both the Alfred and Wellsville campuses.  Hear an audio sample and learn about them at:


RAVE Alert!  Students upon activating their Alfred State email account are automatically registered. To manage and update notification preferences visit:


Watch the video - RUN.HIDE.FIGHT.  Learn what you should do if there is an active shooter in your vicinity at:


Faculty members - it is recommended to share this video with your class and/or talk about your strategy for sheltering and what you will do if your room is entered.


- Jeffrey Wilcox

Tuesday Talks: Financial Literacy Series is back!

As requested by many, The Office of Student Records & Financial Services and The Office of Student Engagement are excited to announce that Tuesday Talks is back

Tuesday Talks is a Financial Literacy series hosted by one of our very own Financial Aid Counselors, Keri Edsall, where she presents on diverse financial topics that educate our students on financial knowledge to make informed decisions in regards to money. 

Please see our fall 2024 schedule listed below with specific details pertaining to each course. Mark your calendars now, we hope to see you there!

  • Sept 17: Do you even need student loans? 
    • Virtual Overview via Teams from 5-6PM.  
  • Oct 1 : Financial aid secrets that aren’t really secrets! 
    • Virtual Overview via Teams from 5-6PM. Link to be posted as it gets closer. 
  • Oct 15: Part 1: What happens after graduation? 
    • Student Leadership Center, Room 310 from 5-6PM.  
  • Nov 12: Part 2: What happens after graduation? 
    • Student Leadership Center, Room 310 from 5-6PM.  
  • Oct 29 : Are you struggling academically? 
    • Podcast Release - details on viewing to come. 
  • Dec : Are you struggling mentally? 
    • Podcast Release - details on viewing to come. 
- Calsey Bump

Course Change Notice Fee

Students can process a Course Change Notice without a fee until 11 am on Monday, September 16, 2024 (Census Day).  After this date, a $20 add/drop fee will be assessed, and must be paid within thirty dates to avoid a potential late fee.  Students may pay the fee online by visiting, or in the Student Records and Financial Services offices located in the Agriculture Science building.  Course Change Notice and Withdrawal/Leave of Absence forms received after 11 am on Sept. 16 will be dated but will not be processed until Tuesday Sept 17.  

- Joann Bloxsom

Flu Vaccine Clinic - Wellsville Campus




FROM 11:00AM – 1:00PM 

A Pharmacist from Fischer’s Pharmacy will again be coming to the PSU on the Wellsville Campus to administer Flu shots at the above date and time! We would like to continue this convenience for our students, staff, and instructors, so consider coming in for your Flu shot with us! 

We ask that you register before Thursday, 9/19/24 to allow the pharmacy time to order the Flu vaccines and process your insurance. **Please have your insurance card handy so we can copy this for the payment. Most insurance covers the entire cost. If you are paying cash the cost is $35.00 for the low dose vaccine, and $80.00 for the high dose (over 65 y/o). Stop in the Wellsville Health Center (PSU) to see Teri, or Jen in the Zero Energy Home to register, and alert us if you will be needing the high dose vaccine.

Teri is in the Health Center M-F 7:30am-3:30pm, and Jen’s Office is open M-F 8am-4pm. We will have you fill out the paperwork and get a copy of your insurance card ahead of time. This will help the process run smoothly and quickly as possible. Then all you have to do on the day of the Clinic is get your injection!

We will be using the Welcome room across from the Health Center in the PSU. You will need to remain for 10 minutes after the injection in case of any reaction.


Thank you for your interest and hope to see you there!


- Jennifer Graves

Club/Organization Involvement - Homecoming/Family Weekend

Calling all Clubs/Organizations! 

We are looking for your involvement with Homecoming & Family Weekend (HCFW)! New this year, there will be a parade during Homecoming & Family Weekend on Friday, October 18 leaving at 5:30 p.m. from the Student Leadership Center parking lot, #3 to the Pioneer stadium parking lots leading up to the Pep Rally. If you are signing up to participate in the parade, please arrive to parking lot #3 at 5 p.m. to check-in.

Also, if your club/organization would like to program during Homecoming/Family Weekend, please submit this survey. Submitting this information does NOT guarantee that your event will be approved, you will receive a decision from Calsey Bump, by Wednesday, October 2. Please note, if you need to purchase anything for your requested event, it is your club/organization's responsibility to cover that expense. Do not purchase anything unless your event is approved.

Please submit this survey by Friday, September 20 at 5p.m., if you have any questions, please contact the Assistant Director of First-Year Engagement, Calsey Bump, at

- Calsey Bump

Homecoming Family Weekend 2024 Basket Raffle

Homecoming Family Weekend is fast approaching and it is time to start thinking  about our Annual Basket Raffle!  Is your department or organization interested in donating a basket for the raffle?  We encourage you to come up with a unique and fun theme for your basket!  Please reach out to Calsey Bump at or by calling X4959 to let us know if you are planning on donating a basket.  Baskets will need to be wrapped in cellophane and delivered to the Office of Student Engagement in the Student Leadership Center no later than Wednesday, October 16th.  Baskets will be displayed and tickets can be purchased in the Student Leadership Center in Room 204 on Friday, October 18th from 10am until 4pm and  at the Pep Rally Friday night near the Pioneer Stadium from 6:30PM - 10PM.  They will also be displayed at Homecoming on Saturday, October 19th during the tailgate festivities with tickets being drawn at halftime.  Tickets will be sold as a sheet of 25 tickets for $10.  You may purchase multiple sheets if desired.”


- Sandra Burdick

Take out BBQ Pulled Pork Dinner

Alfred State Culinary Arts BBQ Dinner

TODAY September 12th 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm (or until gone)

Cost - $12.00 (cash or check only!)

Dinner includes

BBQ Pulled Pork with Roll,

Macaroni & Cheese, Coleslaw, and Cookie



Proceeds from the dinner go to Alfred State Culinary Arts scholarships.

There will be a table of baked goods for sale - CASH ONLY for the baked goods.

- Mary Ellen Wood

Apply to be a Resident Assistant!

The Office of Residential Services is now taking applications for the Resident Assistant Position for Spring 2025.

RA's get leadership development, mentorship with professionals, soft skill development and a resume builder, opportunities to advance into paid positions, and getting their room paid for!

Use this link to apply:

To qualify for the RA position, candidates must have a minimum 2.25 GPA and no current student conduct status.

The application will be open and available until October 18th, 4:30pm. If you have questions about the position or the hiring process, please contact Residence Director Patrick Defoe by email at

- Patrick DeFoe

SPCA Theme Basket Auction

The SPCA Serving Allegany County Theme Basked Auction will be hosted on the Wellsville Campus/School of Applied Technology of Alfred State during the following times:

  • Friday, October 18th from 5PM to 9PM
  • Saturday, October 19th from 9AM to 4PM

The Theme Basket Auction is a penny social-style auction with different sections such as a kid’s corner and man cave. There are also special tickets and a separate section for more valuable prizes. The proceeds go to the SPCA Serving Allegany County which is a local animal shelter.

There are also several volunteer opportunities for students as well as Faculty and Staff looking to be involved in some civic engagement. Areas where volunteers will be accepted:

  • Wrapping baskets evenings between Monday, October 14th – Thursday, October 17th : Exact times and places will be announced later.
  • Help setting up the afternoon of Friday, October 18th 
  • Data Entry of ticket buyers and Food operations during the auction
  • Drawing operations after 4PM on Saturday, October 19th 
  • Handing out baskets to winners and transporting the baskets which the winners can’t make a same-day trip out
  • Tear-down and cleanup Sunday afternoon

For any questions regarding the volunteer opportunities, contact me at .

- Dilan Gilluly

Apply to Graduate December 2024

All students completing degree requirements this semester need to apply to graduate (diplomas are not automatically awarded) by visiting > Graduation and Commencement > Apply for Graduation.  Prospective graduates should contact their academic department to ensure graduation requirements have been met and view their degree progress on DegreeWorks

The deadline to apply for a December 2024 diploma is October 7, 2024. 

  • There is NO fee for the graduation application.
  • Students with a minor OR students in a 4-year program looking to earn the corresponding 2-year degree (once requirements are met) must apply to graduate by filling out a Paper Degree Application
  • Please DO NOT apply for May 2025 graduation at this time. 
  • Graduating students who plan to return this spring (in a new program) must apply for readmission through the Admissions Office.  Readmission Applicants are unable to register until their application is approved. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Student Records and Financial Services Office at or call 587-4253

- Laura Kernan

Student Senate General Assembly Meetings - Fall Schedule

The Fall Schedule for the Student Senate General Assembly Meeting is as follows:

  • Tuesday, September 10th: Class A Incentive Event - 3 Points
  • Tuesday, September 24th: Class B Incentive Event - 1 Point
  • Tuesday, October 15th: Class B Incentive Event - 1 Point
  • Tuesday, October 29th: Class B Incentive Event - 1 Point
  • Tuesday, November 12th: Class B Incentive Event - 1 Point
  • Tuesday, December 3rd: Class A Incentive Event - 3 Points

Meetings will take place in a new location - Physical Health & Science Building (PHS) 107
Meetings will begin promptly at 7:00pm.

The Student Senate General Assembly (GA) provides the opportunity for all Students of Alfred State to discuss issues/concerns and hear updates in regard to all matters that affect campus life. These topics include, but are not limited to:

1. Campus Dining & Transportation

2. Academic & Technology Services

3. Student Engagement & Clubs/Organizations

4. Commuter Affairs & Campus Parking

5. University Police & Campus Safety

6. Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. 

This semester the Student Senate Executive Board will be raffling off three $250 gift cards at the last General Assembly (GA) on 12/3/2024. To receive a ticket for the raffle you must attend a GA meeting throughout the semester. Each attendance will earn you one ticket.

Attendees must show up on time. Late attendance forfeits your ability to receive your raffle ticket.

Questions can be directed to

- Tyler Ribble

Love, Commitment, and Beyond: Love and Relationships Edition

Join Dr. Brian Saltsman and Amira Martin-Saltsman, LCSW-r as they facilitate a discussion on romantic relationships, the expression of love, healthy relationships, and how we manifest and experience love, individually and collectively.

This is the first in a planned series of follow-up discussions from last year's very popular "Black Love" discussion. All Alfred State Campus community members are invited and encouraged to attend this open dialogue. The discussion will be held on Friday, September 13th from 3:00 - 4:30pm in the Small Events Space on the 3rd Floor of the Student Leadership Center. We will also have light refreshments for those in attendance. You may also RSVP on Pioneerlink. (RSVPs are NOT required)

It is important for everyone to see, share, and experience our communities and unique experiences. There are no boundaries to what we can achieve when we come together as a community and share and be exposed to various experiences and perspectives. Please join us and make this yet another extraordinary event. The Cultural Life Center, Brother to Brother, and Sister Circle are proud sponsors of this event and want to encourage participation by all members of the community. Any questions about the event can be sent to Dr. Brian Saltsman ( 

We look forward to seeing you there.

- Brian Saltsman

High Heel Donation Collecting!

Hello everyone! As the semester has started, Pi Nu Epsilon sorority is collecting high heels! These donations are a part of our Domestic Violence Week which will be held later this Fall semester. Afterwards, they will be donated to ACCORD so women in shelters can have clothes for events such as job interviews. You can drop them off at our leadership suite in SLC 307. We will have sisters in there every week day from 10am-4pm. If you have any questions or need assistance with donating, please get in touch with our philanthropy chairman, Bee Williams, at

We hope everyone is having a great start of the semester! 

- Bee Williams

Citizens is giving away $45,000 in scholarships annually!

No essays, no contest, no sweat!  The Citizens Scholarship Application is open until March 31, 2025.  They award up to 17 scholarships throughout the year ranging from monthly prizes of $2500 to a Grand Prize of $15,000.  See Official Rules for details.

- Jasmaine Werth