Student Announce March 3, 2025

Tomorrow!!! 36th Annual Skills USA Regional March 4, 2025

WHO?          Over 850 enthusiastic guests
WHAT?        36th Annual Skills USA Region I Leadership Conference and Skills Olympics
WHEN?        Tuesday, March 4
8 a.m.                          Buses begin to arrive at Orvis or Wellsville PSU, depending on origin
9 a.m.                          Contests scheduled to start  
12 noon - 1 p.m.         Lunch – Alfred box lunches to be delivered to the Orvis gym or individual sites/buildings, 
                                    Wellsville – Wellsville box lunches to be delivered to the Pioneer Student Union
1 - 2 p.m.                     Continuation of competitions in some areas
2 p.m.                          Contests completed
2 - 2:30 p.m.                Last contests to be tallied and results delivered to Orvis or faxed to 4331 in Orvis
2:15 p.m.                     Buses leave Wellsville for Alfred
3 - 4 p.m.                    All Skills USA personnel in the Orvis gym for Awards Ceremony

Other Contest Notes
Questions from Skills USA visitors may be referred to the Orvis lobby or the Wellsville Zero Energy Home (Jen Graves at 3101). 
Both locations will be staffed by Skills USA personnel throughout the day. If you have any questions about a contest in your area, please contact Mike Ronan at

We are looking forward to a great day! All visitors will be in the Orvis gym for the Awards Ceremony at 3 p.m. Skills USA welcomes Alfred State faculty/staff to attend the Awards Ceremony. Bring your earplugs!
Please note that the postsecondary Skills USA state competitions take place later in March on the Wellsville Campus. 


- Jennifer Graves

Skills USA Traffic-University Police

On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, Alfred State will be hosting the 36th Annual Skills USA Region I Leadership Conference and Skills Olympics. Alfred State will welcome over 850 visitors. Alfred State faculty, staff, and students should be aware of the following and how it may impact you individually.

·         West Gate Road (above Facilities) will be coned off beginning at 7 a.m. so that buses can be parked there for the duration of the competition.

·         Buses will be entering campus and unloading passengers in the faculty parking lot of Orvis Activities Center beginning around 7:20 a.m. You will notice an increased amount of traffic in the morning so if possible avoid this area.

·         Buses will be parked on West Gate Road for the entire day. 

·         We will begin moving buses to the staging area around 2:15 p.m. This area includes lot #18, #19, and #20. These lots are also known as “Siberia” parking lots up by the track. 

·         If you are parked in any of these lots, you will not be able to exit until all the buses have loaded and departed. 

·         There will be an increased amount of traffic on Upper College Drive between 4 and 4:30 p.m. 


Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

- Gregory Howe

Parking Lot Closures 3/4 - Spring Career Fair

Parking Lots 19, 20, 20A and 22 (near Pioneer Stadium/Orvis) will be CLOSED at 4pm on Tuesday March 4th. Students that are being required to move their vehicles from these parking lots may park in any open STUDENT lot between 4pm on the 4th and the conclusion of the Career Fair on Wednesday March 5th. Vehicles that remain in closed parking lots, or re-enter after the closing time are subject to enforcement up to and including towing at the owners expense.


- Jaime Dennis-Howe

Care Packages for National Guard

On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, Governor Hochul signed an executive order declaring a disaster emergency in the state of New York and ordering into active duty the New York National Guard to assist authorities in guaranteeing the public order and the protection of public property in correctional facilities across New York State.  Alfred State students were called to report, with little time to prepare or pack for the activation and are spread across 8 different prisons in the state.  

Please consider donating needed items such as: protein bars, granola bars, beef jerky, energy drinks, books, crossword puzzles, cards and card games, personal hygiene items such as deodorant, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, sleeping masks (their sleeping quarters are in open bays and the lights are never turned off).  Items will be needed as long as the Guard is activated.  

Drop off points include: 
Student Development Center:  Mel Ryan, Accessibility/ Irene Wentzell,  Student Success Center
Human Resources: Angela Koskoff

Student Records Financial Services (10 Elm): Joann Bloxsom
Health and Wellness: Mallory Winant

Cultural Life Center (Student Leadership Center): Afua Boahene

Admissions: Brett Talbot/ Caleb Sutton

Wellsville: Veteran Lounge (H Building)/ Eric Wilmot, Automotive 



- Joann Bloxsom

Special Event - Cereal Day!

Join us Friday, March 7th from 11am-2pm for Cereal Day at The Terrace! General Mills will be dishing out some sweet prizes and giveaways! Build your own snack mix and join us for some fun Trivia!

- Amy Keyes

Leaving a Vehicle Here Over Spring Break? - University Police

If you are planning to leave your vehicle on campus during Spring Break, please park it in lot #20, the top tier located near Pioneer Stadium.

- Jaime Dennis-Howe

Wellsville Residential Students-Bus Transportation March 4

Alfred State College will be hosting the High School Skills USA Regional Conference and Skills Olympics on Tuesday, March 4. 

Due to the large number of visitors who will be participating in competitions on the Wellsville campus, a portion of the main parking lot will be closed to accommodate the school buses. This will impact the number of student parking spaces available on that day. 

Therefore,  Wellsville students are strongly encouraged to take the campus bus shuttle service on Tuesday, March 4th in an effort to decrease traffic congestion and stress. 

- Nancy Driscoll

New Alfred State Shirts - Arbor Day Fundraiser

Alfred States Community Garden has partnered with The Center for Civic Leadership to revive Arbor Day celebrations!  Tree-themed Alfred State shirts will be sold for $15.00 at the Campus Store to help us fund our celebrations. Proceeds from shirt sales will support Arbor Day funding, helping us purchase fruit trees, which will be planted near Alfred States Community Garden for present and future generations to nurture and enjoy.  Help us plant roots for the future and support us through the purchase of these shirts and mark Arbor Day (April 25th) on your calendars so you can join us for our tree planting ceremony and garden party (more information to come). In addition, if you are looking for a way to volunteer in lead up to the event, our Community Garden Coordinator is looking for volunteers to help spruce up the garden in time for spring plantings throughout the month of April.   

Should you have any questions or want to get involved, please reach out to Tom Kacalski ( or Cyan Corwine (

- Cyan Corwine

Hands on Project Room (HOPR) Open Hours

Hello Everyone!

The Hands on Project Room (HOPR) is open for the Spring Semester. This space is open for the student body to have a place to work on various projects. The HOPR is located at the garage entrance of the Student Leadership Center (SLC) off of parking lot 3. You can also access this space on the first floor of the SLC in room 105.

The HOPR will be open weekly during the following times: 

  • Tuesday 7-9pm
  • Wednesday 5-7pm
  • Thursday 7-9pm
  • Saturday 7-9pm

Come stop by and utilize the space!

- Katelyn James

Student Commencement Speaker Nominations

Nominations are now being accepted for Student Commencement Speakers.

Students, faculty, staff, or administrators may nominate candidates. The nominees must be graduating students who feel comfortable speaking to an audience and are representative of the graduating class within their school (SAS, SAMET). We plan to feature brief (3 minute) speeches by one student from each school. Students interested in representing SAT and Northland should contact their instructors to express interest.

The nomination form can be found here: 

The priority deadline for nominations is Wednesday, March 12. Please direct any questions to   

- Nicholas Stefanski

Relay For Life hosted by Live to Fight.

Join us as we bring back Relay for Life in partnership with the American Cancer Society, an organization dedicated to funding life-saving cancer research, supporting patients and caregivers, and promoting prevention and awareness initiatives.

📅 Date: April 5th – April 6th
🕕 Time: 6:00 PM – 6:00 AM
📍 Location: Orvis Auditorium
10 Upper College Drive, Alfred, NY 14802

Sign Up Here: Relay for Life Registration
🎟️ Registration Fee: $15/person (all proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society)

This lock-in event is open to the entire Alfred community, surrounding communities, and Alfred State faculty, staff, and students. No entry or re-entry after 11:00 PM.

Our Goal: Raise $25,000!

What to Expect:
🎮 Games with prizes
🎟️ Basket raffles
🎭 Live performances
🌟 Memorial ceremony honoring those we’ve lost to cancer
🎵 Music throughout the event

🏅 Awards for:

  • Best Campsite
  • Most Enthusiastic
  • Most Money Donated
  • Most Money Raised (Team & Individual)
  • Best Costume
  • Best Campsite Activity

Teams are encouraged to plan activities at their campsites.

🍴 Food: Provided at intervals throughout the night. Attendees are welcome to bring their own snacks.

Other Items You Can Bring:

  • Blankets, pillows, air mattresses
  • Comfortable chairs (standard chairs will be provided).

Items Not Allowed:

  • Weapons of any kind
  • Alcohol or drugs

For More Information, Contact:
📩 President of Live to Fight: Tori Rech |
📩 Advisors: Tyler Ribble |
📩 Mary Chamberlain |

Help us celebrate survivors, honor loved ones, and take a stand against cancer. Together, we can make a difference!

- Tyler Ribble

Ramadan Conference & Dinner

🌙 Ramadan Conference & Dinner – Open to All!

📅 Date: Tuesday, March 4th
🕕 Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
📍 Location: Small Events Space 310 (SLC)

Join us for an inspiring evening as we explore the roots of Ramadan and its significance in Islam! Whether you're Muslim or just curious to learn more, this event welcomes everyone.

🍽️ Meal Swipe Info:

This event is covered by a meal swipe. If you don’t have a meal plan, don’t worry we’ve got you covered!

🔗 Sign up now! Fill out our quick survey to confirm your spot:


✨ Event will include :
🍽️ Catered Mediterranean Cuisine
🗣️ Engaging Conference on Ramadan & Its Traditions
🤝 Great Conversations & Community Spirit

Come with an open heart and an appetite! Bring your friends and enjoy a night of learning, delicious food, and connection.

📢 Hosted by the Muslim Student Association (MSA)

- Youssef Moursy

🚨 Student Senate Budget Request Packets Now Available! 🚨

Student organizations looking for funding must submit a completed Budget Request Packet by Friday, March 7th. Thorough instructions are on the first sheet—incomplete submissions will not be accepted.

📄 Access the packet here:

💰 Need help? Join our Budget Request Workshop on Wednesday, February 26th, from 4–7 PM in SLC 310 (Small Event Space) to get guidance and ensure your request is properly completed.

📩 Questions? Contact Tyler Ribble ( or Shaniya Natt (

- Tyler Ribble

The Oasis is officially open for Spring 2025!

Spring 2025 Hours:

Sunday 9:00am - 8:00pm

Monday 8:00am - 8:00pm

Tuesday 8:00am - 1:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm

Friday 12:00pm - 9:00pm

Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm; 3:00pm - 8:00pm

Come get your Relax on!

- Mallory Winant

Spring Break Travel Information

Students going home for Spring Break? 

Megabus is offering non-stop bus services to New York City and Alfred for Spring break. Dates and times of bus travel are listed below! 

To New York City: 

Friday, March 7th departing from Orvis Activities Center or West University St at 7:45 a.m. and  2:30 p.m. 

Sunday, March 9 departing from Orvis Activities Center or West University at 7:45 a.m.

To Alfred, NY 

Friday, March 14th departing from Port Authority at 10:15am

Sunday, March 16th departing from Port Authority at 10:15am 

Secure your ticket today at 

Alternate bus options are available through Please note that Trailways bus leaves from Hornell, NY and you will need to find transportation to the bus station. 

Rochester Airport Shuttle 

Depart Alfred Saturday, March 8th at 6am 

Return trip departs Rochester Airport Sunday, March 16th at 5pm 

Requests for Airport Shuttle must be to the Rochester Airport and students will have to fill out the Online travel request form for both their trips to and from the airport. 

If you have any questions, please contact Residential Services at 607-587-4371 or email:

- Mary Chamberlain

Spring Break Closing Information

Residence halls will close at 10:00 p.m. on Friday, March 7, 2025, for the Spring Break. The Residence halls will reopen at Noon on Sunday, March 16, 2025. Residential Services is aware that the final bus scheduled to leave Alfred leaves before 10:00 p.m. If you are here for an academic reason and cannot make travel arrangements for the evening of Friday, March 8, please respond to this email if you have not already reached out to remain on campus that night. However, you must plan travel arrangements for the morning of Saturday, March 9. 

Only students who have been approved to stay for the break will be allowed in the residence halls.

All others may be charged with trespassing.

Students will only be approved who:

  • Live over 500 miles away (according to your home Banner Address)
  • Have a Special Circumstance (ex. You do not have a place to go)
  • Working for the college during the break (with Supervisors Approval)
  • Athletics commitment during the break (must be on roster submitted from Athletics)

If you wish to apply to stay for the break, please complete the "Break Housing Request" form on eRezLife. To access this form, please sign in to, select "housing," and then select the "Break Housing Request" form.

Please note, that this form will close on Monday, March 3rd. 

- Mary Chamberlain

Group Process Housing Sign Ups

Each Spring semester, the Office of College Housing begins the start of housing sign ups for the following academic year, beginning with the group process. 

Application open March 3 through March 7

March  - Group Leader will be notified of the decision via email

If placed through the group process

  1. All members of the group need to complete their housing application (please see Housing Application - Opens March 1 for further instructions)
  2. Select one student to represent your group
  3. Log into your
  4. Select the “Housing” icon
  5. Under “Forms” locate and select the “Group Housing Sign-up” form
  6. Complete the form, once done select “Submit for Review”

Group Housing Process and Information

Our group process allows a group to sign up for a MacKenzie Rowhouse, MacKenzie Commons Apartment, Townhouse, MacKenzie Rowhouse, or Main Gate Suite for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Group sizes can range from 1 - 12 people.

Groups can be COED (male/female/non-binary persons) living together. Those that wish to live in a COED area will need to agree to live in a COED area later in the form.

Areas that are single rooms: MacKenzie Commons Apartments and Townhouses. All other areas are double occupancy rooms.

If your group does not fill the space in which they are placed, another group may be added to fill the remaining space. The combined groups will be based on the group criteria (i.e. single gender or COED).

The Office of College Housing cannot guarantee that all groups will be placed, it all depends on the applicant pool and available space.

Groups that are placed through our group process do not need to sign up for rooms during individual sign-ups.

Those that leave the group placements are not guaranteed to be placed back into the previous placement.

Groups are scored and placed based on a matrix of the following information:

  • Years in residence
  • GPA
  • Accrued credit hours
  • Judicial history (negative score)

If you have any questions, please contact Residential Services at 607-587-4371 or email:

- Mary Chamberlain

Esports Room Open Hours

Have a bit of downtime between classes? Come down to the Esports rooms in SLC 202 and 319! All students are welcome to utilize our gaming PCs during our hosted Open Hours noted below. Students are welcome to play any of the games we have on the computers or work with our staff to include games you would like to see available. 

Open Hours:
Mondays from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm in SLC 202
Tuesdays from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in SLC 202
Wednesdays from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm in SLC 202
Fridays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm in SLC 319

We hope to see you there! Until then, game on!

- Donald Schrader