Blue & Gold Today
Faculty/Staff Edition
Faculty/Staff Edition Friday, January 10, 2025
Select a category for related items in reverse chronological order.
Peter McClainJan. 7, 2025
The State of New York takes personal information confidentiality and security very seriously. Breaches of information security may result in disciplinary action, depending upon the nature and severity of the breach.
To control access to confidential information:
· Lock doors to office areas during non-business hours.
· Process customer information in secure work areas.
· Provide an escort for guests entering areas where customer information is being processed and/or stored.
· Store and secure student information in locking file cabinets.
· Refrain from leaving confidential information on desks or open areas accessible to the public.
· Dispose of obsolete documents in designated shredding containers.
· Arrange computer screens so that they are not visible to the public.
Paul WelkerJan. 3, 2025
Dear Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Friends,
As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible achievements of our community over the past year. Together, we’ve navigated challenges, celebrated successes, and continued to grow.
Looking ahead, the dawn of 2025 brings with it exciting opportunities and possibilities. This is a time for renewal, for setting new goals, and for embracing the potential within each of us to make a positive impact in our world. Our collective resilience and commitment to excellence will continue to be the foundation of our success.
I am confident that this year will be filled with personal and professional milestones. Let us continue to support and inspire one another as we push the boundaries of what we can achieve.
May the new year bring you joy, peace, and a sense of fulfillment. Thank you for being a part of our vibrant community — I look forward to all that we will accomplish together in 2025.
Warmest wishes,
Steven Mauro, PhD
Tiffany DonovanDec. 20, 2024
During the Holiday season, the President’s Office will be taking some time out of the office to spend with our families and friends between December 24, 2024- January 1, 2025. We will be returning to the office on January 2, 2025. We will be available remotely during that time so feel free to email us and we will respond as soon as possible, we will be checking emails periodically. We would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.
Paul WelkerDec. 6, 2024
Mary Perkins and Jason Sciotti are in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. They are being honored for consistently going above and beyond in their work. Recently, they flawlessly executed the Harris Hall Dedication and the President's Society Dinner on the same day. At both events, the special attention to details, the thought and personal touches, and their commitment to showcase the incredible work our faculty, staff and students do was incredible. Read more about what their nominators said about them -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Peter McClainDec. 5, 2024
A conflict of interest is any interest, financial or otherwise, which is or appears to be in substantial conflict with an employee's duties. In instances where potential or actual conflicts exist, faculty and staff are expected to consult with appropriate University Officers and abide by University policy.
Examples of Conflicts of Interest include:
· Engaging in other employment which interferes with the performance of your professional obligation.
· Disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of official duties or using such information to further personal interests.
· Using or attempting to use official positions to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for yourself or others.
Individuals who violate Conflict of Interest laws may be subject to disciplinary action, including a fine of up to $10,000, suspension, or dismissal.
Jason SciottiNov. 25, 2024
Dear Alfred State College Faculty and Staff,
On Monday, Nov. 25, we will send out a brief online questionnaire for your feedback on potential fundraising initiatives for our college. Your input is invaluable, and to thank you for your time, we’re offering some exciting rewards!
The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and the deadline to submit it is Dec. 5. Please be on the lookout for this survey on Monday, Nov. 25.
Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our college and for helping shape the future of our community.
Dr. Mauro
Nov. 11, 2024
Dear Alfred State Community,
Today and every day we thank those who have served or are serving to protect the freedoms we enjoy. At Alfred State, we have veterans that teach, work, and learn.
We have several opportunities throughout the day to participate in our acknowledgement and celebration of those that have served on our behalf:
I ask that you take time to reflect on all the great men and women that have and continue to serve and remember to thank them for their service not just today but every opportunity that you get.
Dr. Steven Mauro, Ph.D.
Nov. 5, 2024
Dear Pioneers,
Election Day is upon us, and with it, the time-honored privilege to vote. Being only one person, it can seem like a small thing but consider this: almost all laws that govern our Democracy, and the many rights that Americans enjoy, are born from elections that preceded their passage. With every passing election, voters continue to further shape our local communities, state, and nation by selecting officials to act on our behalf regarding policy issues of legal, social, and economic importance. I want to provide you these resources and reminders:
Alfred State has long placed an emphasis on civic engagement. A beautiful element of our election process is that regardless of our daily professions, work titles, and any day-to-day hierarchy we belong to, your vote will matter as much as anyone else’s – every bit as much as mine. For undergraduate students, an election year while attending college may often be the very first vote cast (of many more to come).
Participate, and remember that after election night when we awake on November 6th, or 7th, and well beyond, we remain a campus community that will continue to cultivate a caring community and accept one another as Pioneers.
Steven Mauro, PhD
Alfred State College President
Paul WelkerOct. 25, 2024
Bob Haley is in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. He is being honored for his "can-do" attitude and regularly helping with recruiting events on campus and at the farm. Read more about what his nominators said about him -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Paul WelkerOct. 18, 2024
Phil Schroeder is in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. He is being honored for his amazing work to create and grow the VAST program. He organized this interactive event that brought over 1,100 students to our campus to get hands-on experience with our academic programs and career options. Read more about what his nominators said about him -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Nicole SchroederOct. 18, 2024
The Student Records and Financial Services Office has relocated to 10 Elm. The Agricultural Science building is now closed for renovations. Please stop in and see us in the new location or use one of the options below for help:
Casey CowburnOct. 16, 2024
The Starfish Faculty Committee will meet TODAY, October 16 (12:00-1:00pm) on Teams. Here is a link to the meeting - ALL ARE WELCOME!!
Kathleen BlissOct. 16, 2024
Did you know that Licensed Veterinary Technicians are a key part of the health and well being of your pets when they are in a Veterinary Hospital, and even when your pet is home with you, but you have questions about their care? They do everything from blood draws to lab work, monitoring anesthesia to assisting in surgical procedures, dispensing medications and ensuring you understand why that medication was prescribed and how to properly administer it when you take your pet home. They are counselors, educators, scrub nurses, physical rehabilitation specialists, surgical assistants, radiologists, ultrasound technicians, post op recovery nurses, nurse anesthetists, pharmacy techs, behavior specialists, schedulers, and so much more. They are highly trained, and can do the job of 20 different people on the human side in one day.
This week is National Veterinary Technician Week! Let's celebrate these amazing individuals by being a little kinder to people, and thanking that special LVT in your animal's life.
Nicole SchroederOct. 15, 2024
Student Records and Financial Services has moved to 10 Elm!
The Student Records and Financial Services Office has relocated to 10 Elm. The Agricultural Science building is now closed for renovations. Please stop in and see us in the new location or use one of the options below for help:
Casey CowburnOct. 12, 2024
A couple of Starfish updates:
Paul WelkerOct. 11, 2024
Patrick Defoe is in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. He is being honored for his persistency in finding a student in the residence hall after there were multiple Starfish flags about the student's attendance. Read more about what his nominators said about him -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Oct. 11, 2024
Dear campus community,
We've reached another milestone in our construction with all moves completed out of the Agriculture Science Building. This week we moved Student Records and Financial Services (SRFS) to 10 Elm at the intersection of Lower College Drive and Elm Street.
Thank you to all faculty, staff, and students who have migrated to new locations for classes, labs, and offices this fall to accommodate construction. It is going to be a true transformation of the facility as we remove all the walls and construct a modern academic building in its footprint.
New locations for offices include the Allied Health Department at Pioneer Landing, Ag and Vet Tech in SET, EJB, and Vet Tech. For staff and services, you'll now find Student Records and Financial Services at 10 Elm, Capital Projects in the Facilities Building, Instructional Technology in the Hinkle Library, and Marketing Communications in Huntington Administration.
Our contractor has already erected the fence around Ag Sci to begin the project.
A full list of everyone that has moved with their new office locations is available at
Let the rebuilding begin!
Ryan LaBrozzi, MBA, CEFP
Vice President Finance and Administration
Patricia HaggertyOct. 11, 2024
The Executive Leadership Team is happy to share that the following awards have been announced from the Recruitment and Retention RFP's submitted.
Holly Chase, Business Department - Awarded $1500, Open House/Business Department Visits initiative
Alexander Bailey, MEET - Awarded $1500, Student Project to be showcased on campus to prospective students and visitors
Deb Burch, Culinary - Awarded $2000, Culinary Open House initiative
Alan Vlakancic, Architecture Design - Awarded $400, Resurrect the Architecture Living, Learning Community
Amanda Long, DMA - Awarded $750, Student assistance with software costs
Aric Bryant, SAMET - Awarded $1,810, Order consumable products for students to build prospective student giveaways to visitors
Morgan McClean & Patricia Eshleman, Ag/Vet Tech - Awarded $2500, Create a simulation experience for incoming freshmen to help them identify and learn all of the student success resources available to them and how to use them.
The Executive Leadership Team is still accepting RFP's, the link to the application can be found here. Reach out to the if you have questions!
Nicole SchroederOct. 10, 2024
Student Records and Financial Services has moved to 10 Elm!
The Student Records and Financial Services Office has relocated to 10 Elm. The Agricultural Science building is now closed for renovations. Please stop in and see us in the new location or use one of the options below for help:
Nicole SchroederOct. 9, 2024
Student Records and Financial Services has moved to 10 Elm!
The Student Records and Financial Services Office has relocated to 10 Elm. The Agricultural Science building is now closed for renovations. The office will be open for virtual assistance only on October 9th as we get the new space ready. Please contact us at or 607-587-4253 (toll free 1-800-4-ALFRED) for assistance.
Nicole SchroederOct. 7, 2024
Student Records and Financial Services is moving to 10 Elm!
After students return from Mini-Break on October 9th, the Student Records and Financial Services Office will be in 10 Elm. The Agricultural Science building will be closed for renovations. In preparation for the move, the office will be closed on Friday October 4th and open for virtual assistance only on October 7th and 8th. Please stop in and see us in the new location or use one of the options below for help:
Paul WelkerOct. 4, 2024
Bill McClintick is in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. He is being honored for re-vamping mini visits for SAMET. His hard work and out of the box thinking has created a new and invigorating way to promote programs within the school. Read more about what his nominators said about him -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Nicole SchroederOct. 4, 2024
Student Records and Financial Services is moving to 10 Elm!
After students return from Mini-Break on October 9th, the Student Records and Financial Services Office will be in 10 Elm. The Agricultural Science building will be closed for renovations. In preparation for the move, the office will be closed on Friday October 4th and open for virtual assistance only on October 7th and 8th. Please stop in and see us in the new location or use one of the options below for help:
Peter McClainOct. 3, 2024
All equipment with a useful life of at least two years requires an ownership tag. Any piece of equipment with a unit value of $5,000 or greater and a useful life of at least two years requires a bar code label and entry into the SUNY Property Control System. Generic ownership tags can be provided to any department for application onto equipment below the $5,000 threshold by contacting the Property Control Office; bar code labels on equipment above the threshold will be affixed by Property Control.
If your department has surplus equipment, please contact the Property Control Office with information concerning the surplus asset. The Property Control Office will advertise the asset locally for potential use by another department. If there is no interest in the asset across our campus, the asset will subsequently be offered to all SUNY campuses for transfer. If unable to relocate the asset within SUNY, it will be reported to the Office of General Services for public sale.
The Property Control Office can be reached at x3986 or
Atosa MoayediOct. 2, 2024
We are excited to announce that our Institutional Research portal page has been updated with the latest Fall 2024 census data on enrollment and retention rates. We encourage you to explore these updates and make use of the resources available on the portal. The updated data sets and dashboards are clearly labeled as "New" for easy identification.
Also new is our Program Review Dashboard, a valuable tool designed to provide insights into program performance. This dashboard allows faculty and administrators to assess and track key metrics, replacing the standalone reports previously generated for each program. Now, programs can select and print reports as needed.
For any questions or assistance, please feel free to reach out to OIRPE director, Jennifer Dunne at or EXT. 4036.
Paul WelkerSep. 27, 2024
Erika Winans and Justin Romero are in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. They are being honored for taking time to help a student that was struggling and considering withdrawing from the college. Read more about what their nominators said about them -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Paul WelkerSep. 20, 2024
The Heavy Equipment Operation instructors are in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. They are being honored for facilitating an experience on the Heavy Equipment Operation simulators for faculty that attended a Professional Development Week event on the Wellsville campus. Read more about what their nominators said about them -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Paul WelkerSep. 13, 2024
Nadine Shardlow and Laura George are in the Cheer for a Peer Spotlight this week. They are being honored for their work in helping EOP students at Alfred State. Read more about what their nominators said about them -
See more Cheer for a Peer winners and nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Peter McClainSep. 10, 2024
In order to combat identity theft risks, Alfred State utilizes a Red Flags Rule prevention program designed to detect the warning signs – or “red flags” – of identity theft in our day-to-day operations. By identifying red flags in advance, the college will be better equipped to spot suspicious patterns that may arise and take steps to prevent a red flag from escalating into a costly episode of identity theft.
College employees should adequately determine proof of identification prior to discussing personal information with an inquiring party. Any suspicious interactions or phone calls should be reported to your immediate supervisor who will determine the severity of the potential breach and risk to the college. Similarly, the disappearance of files containing personal information should be reported immediately.
Additional measures for protecting sensitive information include covering or removing any documents containing personal, identifiable information from your desk or computer screen when a visitor enters your workspace. Or, when leaving your workspace, even for a few minutes, close and lock your computer and the doors to any unattended rooms.
Sep. 6, 2024
Dr. Mauro previewed a new Cheer for a Peer program during his opening remarks. He spotlighted the Student Records and Financial Services Department for their work in recruitment and retention. Congratulations to the SRFS team!
Beginning today, each week one Cheer for a Peer winner will be spotlighted for assisting the college's goal of recruitment and retention. But we are going big this time. To kick things off, we have four spotlight winners to announce:
Niki Young - Student Records
Aric Bryant - Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Tech
Paul Schroeder - Capital Projects
Bob Haley - Facilities Services
See why they are Spotlight Winners and the full list of Cheer for a Peer award winners online. Also, on the Cheer for a Peer page you can nominate someone you’ve noticed who is doing a great job at Alfred State.
Go Pioneers!
Dennis DuenoSep. 4, 2024
The Office of Student Engagement is excited to announce that Katelyn James has taken on the role as Interim Assistant Director of Student Unions & Event Support. Katelyn is a graduate of Alfred State College and has higher education experience as a previous student employee working in the Office of Admissions, Office of Student Engagement, and the Office of Residential Services. Katelyn is also the 2024 recipient of the SUNY Chancellor's Award.
Please contact Katelyn at for some the following needs:
Please help us welcome Katelyn to her new position at the college!
Nicole SchroederSep. 2, 2024
Office of Admissions - Closed for Holiday
The Office of Admissions will be closed Monday, September 2nd. Happy Labor Day!!
Bridget JacobsAug. 29, 2024
Access to our Watermark products (Planning & Self-Study and Course Evaluations & Surveys) from the ASC portal has been restored! If you have questions or need assistance using Watermark, please contact Bridget Jacobs, Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Planning at
Bridget JacobsAug. 28, 2024
Faculty and staff who try to access Watermark products (Planning & Self-Study and Course Evaluations & Surveys) from the ASC portal may get an error message ("Something's Wrong Here"). ITS and our office are aware of the issue and Watermark is working to restore our access. We anticipate that it should be resolved quickly, but if you have an immediate need for Watermark assessment information, please contact Bridget Jacobs, Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Planning at
Aug. 16, 2024
During his opening address, Dr. Mauro honored the Student Records and Financial Services Department for their work dealing with all the obstacles that the new FAFSA created. The group was honored with certificates for a free shirt from the Campus Store! Congratulations to all of the members of the Student Records and Financial Services team!
Details of the new nomination process for Cheer for a Peer program are being finalized and information will be sent out to the college community shortly.
Russell NunleyAug. 13, 2024
Our infrastructure projects on the Alfred campus have made great progress. Areas and roads that are now open, along with some locations still in progress, are included on the 2024 Fall Construction Update web page. Additional updates and more detailed information to help students and faculty navigate the campus for a successful beginning of the fall semester will continue to be released.
Casey CowburnAug. 7, 2024
All faculty and staff are invited to participate in an open forum as part of the search process for the Dean of Academic Support & Student Success position. These forums will occur virtually per the following schedule. We encourage all that can attend to attend, ask questions and provide feedback as part of the search process.
Wednesday, August 7
11:15-12:00p - Virtual Session 2 (Bruce Riley)
12noon-12:45p - Virtual Session 3 (Danyelle O'Brien)
Casey CowburnAug. 6, 2024
All faculty and staff are invited to participate in an open forum as part of the search process for the Dean of Academic Support & Student Success position. These forums will occur virtually per the following schedule. We encourage all that can attend to attend, ask questions and provide feedback as part of the search process.
Tuesday, August 6
3:00-3:45p - Virtual Session 1 (Francine Staba)
Bridget JacobsJul. 31, 2024
**Final Reminder!**
Now that the 2023-24 academic and fiscal years have concluded, it's time for most college organizational units to complete their 2023-24 Organizational Assessment plans in Watermark Planning & Self-Study if they haven't already done so.* Timely completion of organizational assessment plans with measures, findings and follow up actions helped support our recent successful Middle States reaffirmation, and will position us for future success! Step-by-step instructions on how to edit organizational assessment plans and enter findings and action plans are on the OIRPE (Institutional Research) portal page under Assessment->Watermark Planning & Self-Study Training Materials. We would like college organizational units to complete their organizational assessment plans for 2023-24 as soon as possible (target by end of July).*
Have questions about organizational assessment, or need help using Watermark? Contact Bridget Jacobs, Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Planning at or at extension 3977. Thank you!
*Excluding Enrollment Management and CARE/Student Success units that are on a fall-to-fall planning cycle.
Peter McClainJun. 19, 2024
The Development Fund Accountant position is currently in transition. As such, please send all Development Fund request to for review and processing. This inbox is monitored by multiple individuals and will ensure that requests are routed properly.
Patricia HaggertyMay. 17, 2024
Please join me in welcoming Tiffany Donovan to Alfred State. She will be joining the President's office team on Thursday, May 16th. Feel free to stop by and introduce yourself, or send her a welcome message, She can be reached at 607-587-4010. We look forward to Tiffany's years of professional experience, organizational mindset, and customer service skills that she brings to her new position.
Peter McClainMay. 6, 2024
User accounts are assigned to single individuals. Use of an account by an individual other than the one originally assigned the account is prohibited. Refrain from sharing your password with others and once you have logged onto a system, you should never leave your workstation unattended. Users are responsible for their accounts and data. Misrepresentation, misuse, and carelessness may result in loss of data or system privileges, suspension or permanent closing of usernames, legal action, and/or other action.
One solution that can eliminate password sharing is to utilize a shared network drive assigned to your department for document storage, such as Microsoft Teams or OneDrive. For additional security in file sharing, a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site can be established for use on a project or within a department. In addition to posting documents, a SharePoint site allows for news-group style discussions, administering a poll of your colleagues, and extensive customization of the site.
To discuss networking options for your department, please contact the Help Desk through the Alfred State web portal:
Apr. 12, 2024
I have been in higher education for twenty years and just when I thought I have seen it all, some new surprise seems to come up that keeps you on your toes. Steve's Friday Feature
Nicole SchroederApr. 5, 2024
Get Totality Ready for Fall 2024!!
It’s time to start registering for Fall 2024 classes! Complete the checklist here or grab one at the registration table at Big Blue’s Solar Sizzle on 4/8/2024 in the SLC green space. Return the completed checklist to Student Records and Financial Services in the Agriculture Building by 4/26/2024 for your chance to win 1 of 10 Amazon gift cards!
Paul WelkerApr. 1, 2024
After a national search, Alfred State College (ASC) has named Ryan LaBrozzi the Vice President for Finance and Administration. He begins his new duties on April 8.
"Ryan will be an integral member of our team as we continue to invest in our infrastructure, people, and programs while still remaining a highly affordable and high-quality choice for students and parents," commented Dr. Steve Mauro. "Ryan’s experience as a meticulous supervisor of people and projects will serve us well as ASC is investing more than $100 million in construction and program development to modernize, beautify, and expand to meet the needs of tomorrow’s students.”
Read more: LaBrozzi named VP for Finance and Administration at ASC
Welcome to Alfred State Ryan!
Mar. 29, 2024
This week we had special visitors on campus as part of our Middle States reaccreditation process. What a group effort to show them the great work we do here at Alfred State! I express my thanks and appreciation in this week's Friday Feature.
Mar. 29, 2024
Congratulations to the entire campus as we set a new school record this week!
Interest among prospective students for the 2024 fall cohort at Alfred State surpassed 10,000 applications. Out of all of SUNY’s Colleges of Technology, only Farmingdale in densely populated Long Island has ever crossed the 10,000 milestone. Last year, the total number received was 9,349 applications, and in 2018 we had 9,171 overall (see historic chart).
Academics, enrollment, student engagement, and everyone on campus work together to build our school’s stellar reputation. It is so very gratifying to see another measure of how our efforts resonate with prospective students and parents who are comparing colleges and universities. Truly more and more people want to be a Pioneer!
Dr. Steve Mauro
Mar. 22, 2024
Alfred State is full of so many amazing people. Faculty and staff that go above and beyond for our community. Read more in Steve's Friday Feature.
Carrie CokelyMar. 21, 2024
The Middle States Evaluation Team will be on campus Monday, March 25 through Wednesday, March 27. As part of the visit the College will host an open forum for staff and an open forum for faculty and invite your participation. This is your opportunity to meet with the team to talk about your work at Alfred State and how we are addressing the accreditation standards as an institutions.
Open Forum for Staff - Tuesday, March 26th Small Event Space (SLC) 9:10am-10am; Teams link will be provided for staff at Wellsville & Northland
Open Forum for Faculty - Tuesday, March 26th Allegany Room 2-2:50pm; Teams link will be provided for faculty at Wellsville & Northland
Patrick DeFoeMar. 15, 2024
It is that time of year again! SUNY Mascot Madness is underway! Vote for Big Blue - he has a tough first round match-up with the two-time defending champion!
Vote using this link:
Paul WelkerMar. 8, 2024
Our students learn so much while at Alfred State. I am proud of the support our faculty and staff provide them, both inside and outside the classroom. Read more in this week's Friday Feature.
Peter McClainMar. 6, 2024
Internal controls are processes built into our activities to ensure we accomplish our desired results efficiently and effectively. We use controls every day in much of what we do:
Internal controls help us do the right things in the right way, which ensures that we comply with laws and regulations, as well as protect college assets. Remaining mindful and supportive of internal controls will decrease errors while reducing our exposure to fraud, audits, and litigation, which can have restrictive and detrimental effects on the college. It is the responsibility of everyone within the college to maintain strong internal controls.
Mar. 1, 2024
At Alfred State, we take pride in preparing our students to be ready to start careers while supporting them with our caring community. This week we spotlight another award-winning faculty member. Friday Feature
Russell NunleyFeb. 28, 2024
As previously communicated and planned, Alfred State has ceased operation and will begin draining of the campus pool at the Orvis location. Since November, after learning through a professional engineering study that the structural integrity of the building and the underneath space prevents continued pursuit of this location as a pool location, a fifteen-member Pool Task Force has worked to develop recommendations for the future of the space.
This month, we received those recommendations and are now communicating a planned space conversion to the SUNY Construction Fund for their action. Accepting the task force’s first recommendation, the new facility is proposed to consist of a much-needed open space with sports court flooring. We are proposing a retractable divider to support multiple activities including our wrestling teams, track teams, student recreational use, and campus events. We want to thank the members of the Task Force who worked collaboratively to identify recommended uses for the space that would most benefit the campus community.
Plans remain actively underway to facilitate supporting the Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Programs by partnering with a neighboring pool to support our existing athletes as they complete their degrees. We will continue a master planning process that will explore the feasibility and potential for a pool elsewhere on campus and will continue to provide updates to our campus community as they become available.
Feb. 23, 2024
To evaluate how we’re doing at Alfred State, student opinions are vital. ASC regularly takes surveys, plus Dr. Mauro is always eager to chat informally to see what’s on students’ minds.
Read Dr. Mauro's Friday Feature
Samantha JurekFeb. 21, 2024
You are invited to join us for the first Spring 2024 Pioneer Community Meeting, scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 12:00 PM. This will be an interactive community meeting where you will hear a college update from Dr. Mauro on the progress we have made as a community towards our ASC Challenge Goals and there will be an opportunity for faculty and staff to ask questions of Dr. Mauro after his update.
To assist us in answering as many questions as possible in our time together, we welcome and appreciate any questions you can submit in advance of the forum to:
Join the Teams Live event HERE:
Bridget JacobsFeb. 20, 2024
Alfred State College has just submitted its Self-Study Report and supporting evidence to Middle States and the Peer Evaluation Team who will be visiting the college from March 24-27, 2024. During the Self-Study, we examined Alfred State College’s compliance with Middle States’ fifteen Requirements of Affiliation and seven Standards of Affiliation, as well as our progress toward three Self-Study Institutional Priorities: Enrollment & Recruitment, Retention, and Campus Renewal & Resource Optimization. The completed Self-Study Report is the culmination of over two years of work of many people across our campus on the Steering Committee, Working Groups, and many others who contributed content or evidence for the Self-Study.
In preparation for our site visit, we invite members of the Alfred State College community to become familiar with the Self-Study report. You can find it and other important information about the Self-Study process on the Middle States Self-Study webpage:
Have any questions about Middle States, the Self-Study, or the Evaluation Visit? Contact the MSCHE Self-Study Co-Chairs: Dan Jardine (, Danielle Green (, or Bridget Jacobs (ASC’s Accreditation Liaison Officer,
Nicole SchroederFeb. 20, 2024
Update to Enrollment Deposit Policy-
To minimize the impact of the FAFSA delays and to allow new students ample time to make an informed decision based on the financial aid offered, Alfred State has extended the enrollment deposit deadline from May 1 to May 15, 2024. To be as flexible as possible, we are extending the deadline to request a full refund of the deposit from May 1 to June 1, 2024. The deadline for requesting a refund of the advance room deposit will remain July 1, 2024. Due to the changing circumstances around the FAFSA delay, we will continue to evaluate this policy and update as needed to best support prospective students and their families.
Samantha JurekFeb. 19, 2024
You are invited to join us for the first Spring 2024 Pioneer Community Meeting, scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2024, at 12:00 PM. This will be an interactive community meeting where you will hear a college update from Dr. Mauro on the progress we have made as a community towards our ASC Challenge Goals and there will be an opportunity for faculty and staff to ask questions of Dr. Mauro after his update.
To assist us in answering as many questions as possible in our time together, we welcome and appreciate any questions you can submit in advance of the forum to:
Join the Teams Live event HERE:
Peter McClainFeb. 2, 2024
As a reminder to the college community, any meeting which adopts resolutions having official force and effect is covered by the Open Meetings Law. Even informal gatherings of public bodies to discuss public business are subject to the requirements of the law. These informal meetings must be preceded by proper public notice and be open to the public in the same manner as formal meetings at which voting is scheduled. Social gatherings at which business is not discussed or casual encounters by members are not subject to these requirements. Minutes must be made available within two weeks from the date of an open meeting and within one week of the date of an executive session.
The minutes for open meetings at Alfred State can be accessed from the public website by clicking on “College Council Meetings” under the “President Dr. Mauro” subsection of the About Us dropdown menu.
Daniel JardineFeb. 1, 2024
Please join me in congratulating Bridget Jacobs on her promotion to Director of Assessment, Accreditation, and Program Planning in the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness (OIRPE). In this role, Bridget will provide leadership and direction in the areas of academic and operational unit assessment, institutional and programmatic accreditation, and academic program planning and processes. Bridget will also continue to serve as Alfred State’s Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) with Middle States. Bridget brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to these areas, including in her role as Coordinator of these functions at Alfred State since 2019.
Cyan CorwineJan. 30, 2024
College Council’s Leadership Through Civic Engagement Award
Do you know a member of our campus community (faculty, staff, or student) that is having a big impact on our culture of care and championing community service? If so, please nominate them for the College Council's Leadership Through Civic Engagement Award!
This is a great way to recognize members of our campus that are hard at work fostering a caring community! Whether it is a student who is always taking initiative and enhancing team dynamics or a faculty or staff member who is leading the way with partnerships and innovation that enhance our civic impact, help us recognize and celebrate all the ways our community members are showing up and making a difference by nominating folks you feel exemplify the spirit of this award.
Peter McClainJan. 5, 2024
The State of New York takes personal information confidentiality and security very seriously. Breaches of information security may result in disciplinary action, depending upon the nature and severity of the breach.
To control access to confidential information:
· Lock doors to office areas during non-business hours.
· Process customer information in secure work areas.
· Provide an escort for guests entering areas where customer information is being processed and/or stored.
· Store and secure student information in locking file cabinets.
· Refrain from leaving confidential information on desks or open areas accessible to the public.
· Dispose of obsolete documents in designated shredding containers.
· Arrange computer screens so that they are not visible to the public.
C.J. RahrJan. 3, 2024
Nominations for the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service have been extended until January 8, 2024.
A committee composed of faculty and staff are seeking nominations for the 23/24 academic year. Students, faculty, or administration may nominate individuals for this award. The names of individuals you wish to nominate must be in writing and signed by the nominator and forwarded to C.J. Rahr, Technology Services, Hinkle Memorial Library. Nominations are to be submitted by Monday, Jan. 8. A short statement by the nominator stating why they believe the individual nominated should receive the award must accompany each nomination. Anyone wishing more information may contact C.J. Rahr at 3541.
Criteria 2023-2024
Nominees for the award should be individuals who have repeatedly sought improvement of themselves, their campuses, and ultimately the State University and, in doing so, have transcended the normal definitions of excellence. At all position levels, nominees shall be those individuals who can serve as professional role models for the University system in the pursuit of excellence. Candidates must have completed three academic years of full-time appointment within the previous five years (years do not need to be consecutive) within the current position at the nominating campus prior to the year of nomination. They must be present on campus when nominated and be serving in full-time professional service capacities with more than 50 percent of their assignment in non-teaching services. Please note, promotion within the same department does not preclude a person from being nominated.
The following criteria shall be used in selecting persons for nomination for the award:
WITHIN THE POSITION DESCRIPTION – The candidate must perform superbly in fulfilling the job description for the position held; and
BEYOND THE POSITION DESCRIPTION – The candidate should also demonstrate excellence in professional activities beyond the parameters of the job description. The ideal candidate will satisfy the standards in a creative and innovative fashion while demonstrating flexibility and adaptability to institutional needs. Consideration should be given to capabilities and accomplishments in the areas of leadership, decision making, and problem solving. Evidence in this category would include professional recognitions, initiation of ideas, development of proposals, committee activities, etc.
RESTRICTIONS –The chief campus officer for academic, student, or administrative affairs or persons serving in these capacities may not be nominated for the award. Direct reports to the president are also not eligible. Individuals serving in the classified services are ineligible for nomination. A recipient of an Excellence in Professional Service Award may not be re-nominated, and recipients of an Excellence award may not be nominated for an Excellence award in another category within a five-year period. Posthumous nominations are also ineligible for consideration.
Lauren RadkaDec. 25, 2023
The Admissions Office will be closed on December 26th for the Holiday. Happy Holiday!
Lauren RadkaDec. 22, 2023
The Admissions office will be closed December 25th. We wish everyone Happy Holidays!
Samantha JurekDec. 13, 2023
Please join us in celebrating the holiday season!!
Dec. 12, 2023
Dear Alfred State Community,
I want to send an update on student Derek Correa as we near the end of our semester. Derek continues to heal and make progress. Within this week, Derek has made strides to include nodding yes or no to questions, given some hugs, and has written something: “thank you.” Derek is moving to a specialized medical center that focuses on his treatment needs. This progress and incredibly positive update is among the best gifts our campus can receive this holiday season. There is still a long road ahead and you can find more about Derek’s path to recovery on the family’s GoFundMe page here.
As you spend time this holiday season with family or friends, please remember Derek and his family as they focus on the most important things of all.
Paul WelkerDec. 8, 2023
During this time of giving, I always think the most precious gift that you can give someone is your time and talent (although I think my children think otherwise!). Read Steve's Friday Feature
Dec. 1, 2023
Clang, clang, clang goes the trolley and ho, ho, ho goes Santa Blue! Read Steve's Friday Feature
Peter McClainDec. 1, 2023
A conflict of interest is any interest, financial or otherwise, which is or appears to be in substantial conflict with an employee's duties. In instances where potential or actual conflicts exist, faculty and staff are expected to consult with appropriate University Officers and abide by University policy.
Examples of Conflicts of Interest include:
· Engaging in other employment which interferes with the performance of your professional obligation.
· Disclosing confidential information acquired in the course of official duties or using such information to further personal interests.
· Using or attempting to use official positions to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for yourself or others.
Individuals who violate Conflict of Interest laws may be subject to disciplinary action, including a fine of up to $10,000, suspension, or dismissal.
Samantha JurekNov. 21, 2023
The President's Office will be closed Thursday November 23 and Friday November 24 for Thanksgiving. We hope everyone has a safe and healthy holiday!
Lauren RadkaNov. 21, 2023
The Admissions Office will be closed Thursday, November 23rd & Friday November 24th, for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving everyone!
Nov. 20, 2023
Due to structural concerns, Alfred State will permanently close its current swimming pool after the conclusion of the current swimming and diving season. A professional engineering study has indicated that continuing to operate the pool within Orvis now and in the future, even after a years-long rebuild, could damage the building.
Aligned with our master planning efforts for a new field house, plans are actively underway to request integration of a new pool in the funding request. We will explore the best alternative use of the current space for athletics and recreation by creating a task force to make recommendations.
We will facilitate supporting the Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving Program’s and Alfred State will actively work to minimize the impact on current student athletes and other pool users.
Paul WelkerNov. 17, 2023
Planning alumni events, cultivating donor relationships, and teaching current students the importance of philanthropy are only part of the duties that our Institutional Advancement Office takes part in here. Read Steve's Friday Feature
Pamela BrandesNov. 17, 2023
The SAT Administrative Offices will be closed on November 24, 2023, the day after Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!
Nov. 17, 2023
In partnership with UPD, Student Senate, and Civic Leadership we have created a Day of Giving program to help all our students. If you currently have an outstanding parking ticket you can drop off a minimum donation of $10 of non-perishable, not expired, food items at the Civic Leadership Table in SLC between 12 pm and 2 PM November 13th-17th and provide the workers with your name and 800# for identification of your ticket. Donations can only be made to Civic Leadership Staff, NOT at the University Police office. You can have ONE previously issued parking ticket dismissed. This will benefit the Community Needs Hub for students. If you are unable to meet with civic leadership staff during their tabling hours in SLC this week you can email to coordinate a different drop-off time/location with Staff. If emailing, please make sure you reference the Food for Fine Forgiveness Program in your subject line.
Nov. 15, 2023
In partnership with UPD, Student Senate, and Civic Leadership we have created a Day of Giving program to help all our students. If you currently have an outstanding parking ticket you can drop off a minimum donation of $10 of non-perishable, not expired, food items at the Civic Leadership Table in SLC between 12 pm and 2 PM November 13th-17th and provide the workers with your name and 800# for identification of your ticket. Donations can only be made to Civic Leadership Staff, NOT at the University Police office. You can have ONE previously issued parking ticket dismissed. This will benefit the Community Needs Hub for students. If you are unable to meet with civic leadership staff during their tabling hours in SLC this week you can email to coordinate a different drop-off time/location with Staff.
Nov. 10, 2023
Service with a smile is not only something that is taught here but it is a normal to see in action when we are around those that feed our community. Read Steve's Friday Feature
Bridget JacobsNov. 9, 2023
We've been notified by Watermark technical support that our assessment management system, Watermark Planning & Self-Study, is not currently working in Microsoft Edge. If you are trying to use Watermark and it opens to a blank browser window, check to see if it is in Microsoft Edge. If so, please use another browser like Chrome or Firefox. Watermark is working in those browsers. Watermark tech support is working to fix this problem. Thank you for your patience, and if you have any technical issues or questions about how to use Watermark, please contact Bridget Jacobs at or at extension 3977.
Russell NunleyNov. 7, 2023
On Monday, November 6, the work for the new bridge to AU will limit access to campus at our front entrance (West Pine St.) to just one lane and will cause a slowdown of traffic in both directions. If possible, please use an alternate route and give yourself a little extra time to travel through this area.
On Tuesday, November 7, this work will necessitate a brief closure of the Main Street front entrance to ASC (West Pine Street) from 7:30 a.m. until approximately 1:30 p.m. An alternate route to campus will be necessary at these times.
Map of Alternatives to the Alfred Main Street Front Entrance
Paul WelkerNov. 6, 2023
The Alfred State community has rallied support of Derek Correa.
Release about ways the community has rallied around Derek
The college is maintaining a webpage regarding support efforts and details regarding campus safety.
Paul WelkerNov. 3, 2023
Even before Thanksgiving arrives, we should all thank University Police for their service to protect us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. Steve's Friday Feature
Paul WelkerOct. 27, 2023
The campus community comes to life for each Open House as Pioneers are proud to show what life is like at ASC. Steve's Friday Feature
Kevin HofmannOct. 26, 2023
Please join the Alfred State College AIAS chapter for The Economics of Architecture, a panel discussion with architects, contractors, and clients exploring the dollars and cents of making buildings. The event will be held in the Allegany Room on Thursday, November 2nd, and will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a buffet dinner. At 6 p.m., the structured portion of the panel will begin, followed by an opportunity for audience questions. The event is free and open to the public but register fast as spots are quickly filling! See the attached poster for a QR code to register or use THIS LINK.
Oct. 24, 2023
Last Sunday morning, we were all shocked and saddened to learn of the four men with no known Alfred ties who were arrested for savagely assaulting one of our students. This short video by President Mauro provides an update regarding this senseless crime as we all rally in support, work together against any future violence, and care for one another. The family of the assailed student will provide updates on his condition on their fundraising GoFundMe page.
Patricia HaggertyOct. 23, 2023
After serving for more than a year as Vice President for Finance and Administration, Tim Sortore will be assuming the new role of Assistant Vice President for Finance and Management. He will continue in his current role until a new hire is made for a Vice President for Finance and Administration, a search that will begin immediately. The Assistant Vice President position that Tim will be assuming will be an enhanced version of the previous role he led, which has remained vacant, prior to taking on his current responsibilities. It will include reinforcing ongoing work in grants, contracts, and financial compliance in addition to new roles at the institution including operational and system analyses, enterprise risk management, and exploration of alternative revenue opportunities. Please join me in recognizing Tim for his commitment to serve this past year and congratulate him on this new role.
-Dr. Steven Mauro
Paul WelkerOct. 20, 2023
We welcome thousands of guests for Open House and Homecoming weekends. It has taken a lot of hard work to make campus look good - Steve's Friday Feature
Patricia HaggertyOct. 17, 2023
Please join us as we hold an on-campus celebration of Pat’s life and service to the college. We will gather on Wednesday, October 18th from 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm in the SLC Small Event Space to celebrate and remember Pat’s legacy. There will be a dedication of Leadership Suite #412 in Pat’s name. This suite is a perfect representation of Pat’s life work of civic service and engagement with our students, as this suite is currently home to our Civic Engagement Advocates. We have also created the Pat Fogarty, Former College Council Chair, Endowed Scholarship through the Institutional Advancement office. This scholarship will allow Pat’s name to live on in service and support of our students. If you are interested in donating to the scholarship, please contact Mary Perkins, for more information.
A collection of photographs (Pat Fogarty | Flickr) is available to highlight Pat Fogarty’s support to Alfred State College through the years
Paul WelkerOct. 13, 2023
It takes a village, or for us, a farm, to bring people together for a day that high school students are likely not going to forget. (Link to Steve’s Friday Feature)
Paul WelkerOct. 13, 2023
Dear Alfred State Community,
This past weekend’s abhorrent terrorist attacks that targeted civilians, the still-escalating war, and continuing loss of life have left us in a state of heartbreak. We stand united in mourning the lives lost and recognize the suffering of everyone, particularly children, who are being impacted at this minute. As global leaders work to minimize loss of civilian lives, we want to ensure that you are aware of the resources available to you as members of the Alfred State community.
Employee Resources:
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Available to all New York State employees, their partners, and immediate family members, EAP offers support on campus, over the phone, and online. Contact our EAP at, the coordinators: David Ray (x4287) or Theresa Toth-Fleischman (x3784), call 1-800-822-0244, or visit EAP website for confidential referrals and more information.
NYSHIP Health Insurance Plans: If you are subscribed to a NYSHIP health insurance plan, counseling resources are available. For Empire, visit the Carelon Provider Directory. For HMOs, contact your plan directly.
Office of Human Resources and Chief Diversity Officer: Offers counsel to employees discussing challenges related to this or any DEI-related issue at 607-587-4025.
University Police: Available for assistance in situations where an employee feels unsafe or threatened at 607-587-3999.
Student Resources:
Health and Wellness in Parrish Hall: Provides counseling services to students. Schedule an appointment by calling 607-587-4200.
Cultural Life Center (CLC): A 'third space' on campus for cultural exchange, social action, and collaboration.
University Police: Available for assistance if a student feels unsafe or threatened at 607-587-3999.
Discrimination Complaint Reporting Form: Alfred State takes seriously any reports of Discrimination. We encourage faculty, staff, and students to report any instances of discrimination via the Discrimination Complaint Reporting Form here.
Community Updates: Additional community resources will be shared in the coming days. Updates will be shared via Blue and Gold Today, including more information on planned programming around this topic.
As we offer these resources, we want to express our ongoing hope for the safety and healing of those impacted by this violence. Let us collectively advocate for a more just and equitable world.
Dr. Gregory Sammons
Vice President for Student and Employee Affairs
Angela Koskoff
Interim Chief Diversity Officer
Patricia HaggertyOct. 13, 2023
Please join us as we hold an on-campus celebration of Pat’s life and service to the college. We will gather on Wednesday, October 18th from 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm in the SLC Small Event Space to celebrate and remember Pat’s legacy. There will be a dedication of Leadership Suite #412 in Pat’s name. This suite is a perfect representation of Pat’s life work of civic service and engagement with our students, as this suite is currently home to our Civic Engagement Advocates. We have also created the Pat Fogarty, Former College Council Chair, Endowed Scholarship through the Institutional Advancement office. This scholarship will allow Pat’s name to live on in service and support of our students. If you are interested in donating to the scholarship, please contact Mary Perkins, for more information.
A collection of photographs (Pat Fogarty | Flickr) is available to highlight Pat Fogarty’s support to Alfred State College through the years
Steve MauroSep. 22, 2023
Today I’d like to tell you a little bit about Mike Armstrong, our head baseball coach. Read more at
Tamara KnappSep. 18, 2023
Refunding for the Fall 2023 semester has begun. Students can check on an available refund by visiting Students who have opted to receive their refund electronically (ACH/Direct Deposit) need not take any additional steps. If you have not already done so, you can enroll in this method for future refunds by visiting and selecting the E-REFUND icon. This is the fastest and most convenient way to receive your refund!
For students not enrolled in E-REFUND checks are available in the Student Records and Financial Services Office located in the Agriculture Science Building. Students attending the Wellsville Campus can pick up their refund checks at the Zero Energy House. Students will be required to present their Student ID card before receiving their check. Refund checks for Wellsville students are sent from the Alfred campus to the Wellsville campus, and as a result, may take a few more days. Refunds for students studying online or at the Northland campus will be mailed.
Any refund checks not picked up after 5 business days will be sent to the student’s home address that is on file. If students prefer to have their check sent to their home address, please email the Student Records and Financial Services Office at
Please Note: Refunds are based on enrollment status. If students are enrolled in part of term courses, their full refund will not be available until students reach 12 credit hours for the semester. Additionally, Refunds may be issued as funds are received and as a result students may receive multiple refunds throughout the semester.
If you have any questions in regard to a refund check please email the Student Records and Financial Services Office email address at
Steven MauroSep. 15, 2023
This week, I would like to spotlight two of our stellar automotive faculty, Andrew Smith and Caryl Koch, who recently took a group of students to Watkins Glen International Raceway. Read more at
University PoliceSep. 13, 2023
ALERT: Emergency Drill
Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, at 10:10 a.m.
Alfred State will be conducting the drill to test its emergency procedures & systems on the Alfred and Wellsville Campuses
During the drill – actively shelter in place at a location where you can:
The sirens will be going off on both the Alfred and Wellsville campuses. Hear an audio sample and learn about them at:
RAVE Alert! Students upon activating their Alfred State email account are automatically registered. To manage and update notification preferences visit:
Watch the video - RUN.HIDE.FIGHT. Learn what you should do if there is an active shooter in your vicinity at:
Faculty members - it is recommended to share this video with your class and/or talk about your strategy for sheltering and what you will do if your room is entered.
Peter McClainSep. 8, 2023
The Business Affairs department would like to welcome Logan Aubrey into the role of Development Fund Accountant through the Fall Semester. Since Logan is working with the department on a part-time basis, please direct all email inquiries related to payments or account balances to Logan can be reached directly at x3937.
Peter McClainSep. 6, 2023
In order to combat identity theft risks, Alfred State utilizes a Red Flags Rule prevention program designed to detect the warning signs – or “red flags” – of identity theft in our day-to-day operations. By identifying red flags in advance, the college will be better equipped to spot suspicious patterns that may arise and take steps to prevent a red flag from escalating into a costly episode of identity theft.
College employees should adequately determine proof of identification prior to discussing personal information with an inquiring party. Any suspicious interactions or phone calls should be reported to your immediate supervisor who will determine the severity of the potential breach and risk to the college. Similarly, the disappearance of files containing personal information should be reported immediately.
Additional measures for protecting sensitive information include covering or removing any documents containing personal, identifiable information from your desk or computer screen when a visitor enters your workspace. Or, when leaving your workspace, even for a few minutes, close and lock your computer and the doors to any unattended rooms.
Danyelle O'BrienSep. 5, 2023
The SUNY General Education Framework introduced the knowledge and skills area of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice (DEISJ) as a required category for all undergraduate degree-seeking students. In the SUNY Board of Trustees resolution that adopted the SUNY General Education Framework, there was a commitment that SUNY System Administration would work with campuses to ensure faculty have the training and resources to support the teaching and learning needs in the DEISJ category. To this end, 16 faculty from across SUNY campuses have been selected as DEISJ Fellows to serve as faculty-to-faculty support for those developing and teaching curricula that meet the DEISJ student learning outcomes. The DEISJ Fellows will be providing multiple kinds of support, including through office hours for SUNY faculty and staff seeking a critical colleague to engage with to assist in DEISJ curriculum development and/or teaching.
The DEISJ Fellows will be offering office hours via Zoom throughout academic year 2023-2024
From August 8th to 31st, we are offering a robust schedule of open/drop-in office hours, with two DEISJ Fellows available in each timeframe.
To access an office hours, registration is required at the following link:
Registrants will automatically receive an email with instructions on how to log into the Zoom.
Angela AllenSep. 4, 2023
The Student Records and Financial Services Office will be closed Monday, September 4th. Happy Labor Day.